Thursday, September 1, 2011

Different Strokes for Different Folks.

I have seen so many people stop cloth diapering after a few months because they didn't like prefolds.  The folding isn't easy to get quite right, the closing is difficult (and dangerous - hello "snappi" injuries!) and the prefolds leak very quickly.  Plus they are huge! 

Prefolds are what grandma used, and opted to give up for "sposies" as soon as she could.  They make PUL (polyurethane lining) covers now - which hold in the urine and poop more over the prefold, but are SO bulky in the end - that pants don't even fit!

That's where technology comes in - having made cloth diapering a much easier experience.

There are pocket diapers and "all-in-ones" that are basically similar to a disposable but healthy and soft for baby's skin.  and SUPER CUTE!

The pocket is a PUL lined fabric cover with a soft fleece inner lining.  Then the diaper is stuffed with an insert (microfiber, hemp, bamboo) into a pocket.  That's where the absorbency can be increased or decreased.  A diaper can be "double-stuffed" with two inserts - some people use their old prefolds as inserts too.

The "all-in-one" is basically like a pocket but with the insert permanently sewn into the pocket.  Some "AIOs" have an open pocket though, to allow for additional inserts for added absorbency.

I prefer pockets, because they dry faster and have insert options.  I also think they are the least bulky and fit nicely under pants.  But some people prefer the AIOs because they don't require stuffing.  To each his own, and really, any one choosing cloth diapers should try many kinds of diapers to find the best style, fit and preference for mom and baby.

A prefold and cover:

A Prefold and Bummis Cover

A Pocket:
Exterior (Sunbaby Brand One Size)

Sherpa Fleece Lining and Microfiber Insert

Insert Stuffed Inside Pocket


Exterior (BumGenius 3.0 Size Small)

Inside (Suede Fleece)

Sewn-In Insert with Pocket for Additional Inserts


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